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Mission Partnership

Could your church support us in our mission?

For over 45 years, God has used the cheerful generosity of individuals and churches that stand with us on the teaching of scripture in order to provide for our ministry. For us to continue speaking into the areas of sexuality and gender, we need churches to commit to supporting us financially and through prayer.

Why Partner with us?

As most of our staff and volunteers are same-sex attracted themselves, we believe TFT is uniquely placed to show how the gospel offers hope for other same-sex attracted individuals who wish to hold to the historic church teaching. In the Great Commission, Jesus instructs us to “go and make disciples” and teach them to “observe all” that he has commanded. It is our prayer that through every speaking engagement and in every pastoral conversation, our team demonstrate the plausibility of living a fulfilled and joyful life in Christ that many in our culture would not think possible.

What does partnership look like?

Most churches that partner with us do so because they’ve had a visit from a TFT speaker. Others might have someone in their church family that is already a member of TFT. Whether you’ve got one of these connections, or no prior connection at all, you can expect to receive periodic updates on our work, and details of how you can pray for us.

We think partnership works best when there’s a personal connection with the church that is supporting us. There may be a member of TFT in your church already who can share about our work and how it has helped them. We also have a network of volunteers all over the UK. If you’d like to have someone visit your congregation to speak about what we do, and to stay in touch with you, we’d be happy to arrange that.

To find out more about supporting us financially and/or in prayer, send us a Quick Message and one of the team will get back to you.

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