Donate to TFT
TFT provides services to individuals and the church in the UK and beyond. These services include biblical teaching, pastoral guidance, support groups and conferences. To operate TFT, we make the most of volunteer help, but we also have premises, expenses and a small staff team. These services cost over £10,000 per month to run, so we really value your support and partnership. We are currently supported in prayer and in our finances by a wide range of churches from differing denominational backgrounds.
The form to the left allows payment using a credit/debit card, PayPal, CAF account or Direct Debit (for a Regular Donation). Alternatively, see the "Other Ways to Donate" section below for how to donate using text message, bank transfer or cheque. If you donate via bank transfer or cheque, please fill out our Gift Aid Declaration form (if applicable), to allow us to claim back extra tax to increase your donation.
You can also print and post the form below to set up a Standing Order and/or make a Gift Aid Declaration
Donations made by tax payers (large or small, regular payments or single gifts) qualify for tax relief under the Gift Aid scheme. This can increase the value of your donations by up to 25%. That means for every £10 you give, we get an extra £2.50 from Inland Revenue. Please remember to Gift Aid your donation if you are a tax payer.
If you use the online giving form above or give by text message, you will be able to declare the Gift Aid as you make your donation. If you donate another way (eg sending us a cheque), please make a separate Gift Aid declaration (if it applies to you), so that we can maximise your gift. You can either print out the form below or click here to make your Gift Aid Declaration online.