Support for Christians with Same-Sex Attractions
True Freedom Trust is a Christian ministry that offers pastoral support and biblical teaching on same-sex attractions
What TFT Offers
What TFT Offers
What People Are Saying
We had a great time with our young people tackling difficult issues and questions. They were really engaged and showed it by asking some great questions.
Andy Clark
Associate Minister, St Botolph's Church
I appreciate the way TFT bring both the raw honesty of personal experience and clear biblical principles to bear on such sensitive and controversial issues, in a gracious yet uncompromising way. Their voice needs to be heard in the current climate of intolerance and confusion.
Jonathan Dawson
Pastor, Fords Lane Evangelical Church
I have been aware of the work of TFT for some time. These brothers and sisters are performing a vital task of bringing biblical grace and truth to bear for those with same- sex temptations and gender dysphoria. I warmly commend their work.
Bishop Andy Lines
Missionary Bishop to Europe
Being with others at the TFT conference who have similar struggles was amazingly healing and encouraging for me personally. Seeing how God is working in and through the lives of those struggling was empowering and gave me food for thought.
I love the healing fellowship and find the atmosphere so wonderful. It's sad when the TFT conference weekend ends. I love the worship and fellowship always encourages. The prayer and teaching is fantastic and healing.
Members around the world
Volunteers in the UK
Partnership Churches
Annual Speaking Events