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How Music Stirs our Hearts Towards God

From the very first gathering of God’s redeemed people by the Red Sea, until the final, complete gathering of God’s people before His throne, God’s people are characterised as people who sing. Music has a power to lift our spirits, teach us, encourage us, and train our hearts in gratitude to God.

Porn, Pleasure and Purity: The Perspective of a Woman

Pornography, masturbation, sexual fantasy, lustful thoughts... They’re just men’s issues, aren’t they? The ways in which women struggle may often be subtly different to our male counterparts, but the fundamental issues of our sinful hearts seeking fulfilment in the wrong places are just the same.

Motivations for Holy Living

The word holiness can give rise to thoughts of legalism. Rightly teaching the Bible truth on ethics and godly behaviour can so easily cause others to consider us dour or legalistic. Keeping in mind all this confusion around the command “be holy”, we must remind ourselves of some fundamental motivations for holy living.

Review: "A War of Loves" by David Bennett

David Bennett was attracted to other boys from the age of 14, and so had issues with Christianity because he felt if he was to become a Christian he couldn’t act on his romantic inclinations. He became a gay activist in Australia in support of gay marriage. But, “Jesus did not stay tidily out of [his] life.”

How my cravings for touch showed me what I really need

Some people who are single and/or attracted to the same sex find that physical touch is something they feel they lack. Therefore, feelings I began to have a few years ago took me somewhat by surprise. I became aware that I felt acutely untouched. I felt like I had a craving for physical intimacy.

Review: "People to be loved" by Preston Sprinkle

Preston Sprinkle (don’t you just love that name!?), is an author, teacher, and speaker with a PhD in New Testament. He’s written a gem of a book called ‘People to be Loved.’ It’s a book that takes seriously the challenge of revisionist teaching, but throughout it radiates a pastoral warmth.

Discerning Godly ways to Connect with Others

Celibate same-sex attracted Christians, while accepting that they need to say “no” to their desires for sexual intimacy with another person of the same sex. They often long for healthy and godly ways of meeting their God-given hunger for connection and intimacy with others that will ease loneliness and physical isolation.

Review: "Invest your Disappointments" by Paul Mallard

In his introduction, Paul Mallard shares with us some of the weighty family situations and disappointments his family have faced. His aim is to take us on a journey through the “Land of Disappointment” and onwards to a place of forgiveness, restoration and hope in Christ.

Keeping others from temptation by considerate behaviour

When we start to think about our spiritual brothers and sisters, it soon becomes apparent that we have a responsibility to all of our fellow members in how we behave. Because we know and experience a level of freedom in Christ, it is easy to ignore the effect our actions can have on others.