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An article that covers church life

Should I Leave my Church?

The church is key to the Christian life. However, sometimes we find ourselves in a position to consider leaving a church for reasons other than relocation. This is a decision which should never be taken lightly since as family in Christ we are called to live in a close community.

Church Family are my Brothers and Sisters

How should we react to the description of Christians in Scripture as brothers and sisters? Three broad truths in the Bible are explored in this article – God is our Father; Adoption is by grace; Christians are family. In light of these truths, Rob encourages us to grow in our love towards our sacred siblings.

Review: "Life On Side B" Podcast

"Life on Side B" is a podcast that looks at the lives of same-sex attracted Christians who believe in the Christian sexual ethic. Each episode explores the joys, beauty and challenges that come with living in this counter-cultural way by interviewing a diverse selection of men and women on their experiences of faith and sexuality.

Sharing Life as Friends

Abby and I have been sharing a house for about 14 years now. People often ask us about how living together works, and what advice we’d give to other same-sex attracted Christians looking to live communally. In this article, we explain what it means for us to be deeply involved in each other’s lives.

Is My Church Homophobic?

I’m not a fan of the word “homophobic” - it has too many violent and broad connotations, so I’m using it rather provocatively here. This article explores the fear, anger, prejudice and mistrust I have previously experienced because of my same-sex attractions from some individuals in a church context.

Review: "LGBT & The Church" by Dr Preston Sprinkle

This is a review of the video course “LBGT & The Church”, produced by the US-based Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender. The organisation is led by Preston Sprinkle and he sets the tone, getting away from the ivory tower to hear the stories of gay people.

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