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Articles covering issues of identity

Why Does My ‘Private’ Sin Hurt The Church?

In this article, Rob explores why our “private” sin affects others. In our individualistic society, it’s all to easy to believe that what we do on our own is just our business. He sensitively shows that God cares very much about all our behaviours, and that even our private actions affect others in the church.

Review: "Swipe Up" By Jason Roach

“Swipe Up” invites us to hear God’s better story, how He offers a superior satisfaction and has a justifiably prior claim upon us. Jason honestly, humbly and personally tells that story through his own journey so that we, to use Ed Shaw’s words, “gaze upon God’s reality and His better love stories”.

Walking in Faith

There was a time when I lived a gay lifestyle, but that all changed, very gradually, when it became clear that God wanted me to live differently, as a celibate man. Through His grace, God has sustained me in that commitment. Now, looking back, I can see just how the Lord was working in my life.

Challenging My Spiritual Mentor

Deciding how to share that your Same-Sex Attractions with others can be hard, particularly within your church family. Whom do you tell? Which person do you start with? For me, it started with my closest friend, followed by a few others. Then it became clear that I needed to tell my mentor, who was my student pastor.

Breaking The Silence

In this article, Rhoda explains what it was like for her to come to terms with her enduring same-sex attractions, having been born just after the war. She reviews her struggle with singleness, in particular the feelings of loss once she realised that she would not have biological children of her own.

My Experience of New Monasticism

New Monasticism seeks to take the positive aspects of the monastic tradition from the past and apply them to life today. Richard explains his experience of getting involved in this movement and what it taught him about meaningful community – lessons that have stuck with him even after returning to ‘regular church’.

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