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Shropshire, England

National Conference 2024 - 27-29 September 2024

Heaven is supposed to be the greatest joy and fulfilment of the Christian life, something to give us hope as we struggle through living on this fallen earth. Yet the pictures of heaven we are given often make it seem dull and anaemic. Being a disembodied soul, floating forever in a pink fluffy cloudscape populated by fat babies with wings, doesn’t sound too exciting to me! So what then is heaven? Where is heaven? And what does heaven have to do with earth? In four talks, we will be exploring the biblical story of heaven and earth. We will discover that heaven isn’t an escape hatch from a fallen world but the deepest dimension of reality that God, through Jesus Christ, is bringing to heal a hurting and broken world. Heaven is a wonderful future hope but also a present reality that can give significance and joy to our lives here and now on earth. 

About the Speaker: Jim Paul
Jim Paul Photo

Jim is director of L'Abri Fellowship in the UK, a community-based apologetics ministry which provides people with the space, time and resources to find answers to their questions about the truth and relevance of Christian faith. Before this, he practised as a palliative care doctor in London.

Jim likes asking questions. When he was a fairly new Christian, he realised that he didn’t want to go to heaven because it sounded so dull and boring. So he began to re-examine what the Bible said about heaven and earth and found some surprisingly wonderful things. This eventually led him to write “What On Earth Is Heaven?” (IVP, 2021).


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