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Articles covering biblical accountability

How Reading Liberally helps me to Grow

I’ve never needed much encouragement to read. But for a long time I felt nervous of touching anything that might have a hint of sexuality about it, because doing so might either expose my own struggles with my sexuality or increase the intensity of those feelings. But now I've changed my mind and my practice.

Porn, Pleasure and Purity: The Perspective of a Woman

Pornography, masturbation, sexual fantasy, lustful thoughts... They’re just men’s issues, aren’t they? The ways in which women struggle may often be subtly different to our male counterparts, but the fundamental issues of our sinful hearts seeking fulfilment in the wrong places are just the same.

Keeping others from temptation by considerate behaviour

When we start to think about our spiritual brothers and sisters, it soon becomes apparent that we have a responsibility to all of our fellow members in how we behave. Because we know and experience a level of freedom in Christ, it is easy to ignore the effect our actions can have on others.

Can Accountability Apps keep me pure?

In this article Ed and Jonny, two TFT members, discuss the benefits of accountability apps on their smartphones. In particular, they look at the dangers of smartphones and how these apps function and motivate pure online behaviour. There is also discussion of their effectiveness and their limitations.

How can I support a Christian who experiences same-sex temptations?

God knits each of us together in a unique and individual way. In a fallen world, this means that a person’s experience of same-sex temptations will be – at least to some degree – unique to them. Inevitably, then, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to supporting people.

Is it ok to masturbate?

The easy answer is that the Bible is silent on this issue, because the word "masturbation" itself doesn't appear. For such a subject, we must be careful of laying down burdensome rules (Col 2:16-23) but, if considering carefully what the Bible teaches in these areas, we see that masturbation is something Christians should avoid.

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