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An article that covers church life

What's it like to be Married or Single?

In June 2019, I circulated a pair of surveys about singleness in the UK church – one survey for single people and one for married people. The purpose was to collect some perceptions of singleness from a range of people – male and female; single and married; young and old.

The Purpose of Dialogue

In this interview, Stefan and Stuart explore how to have a fruitful dialogue with those you disagree with theologically. You could present the most fantastic case for belief in Christ but do so in a way that isn’t helpful. Rather, you are seeking to win people to Christ, not just winning a point in a conversation.

Church Silence on Sexuality is Unhelpful

Despite the clear call to speak God’s message, the Church has always faced the pressure to keep quiet, especially when it comes to articulating areas of the Christian message that are more counter-cultural than others. For the modern Church in the West, the pressure to not talk about God’s perspective on same-sex relationships has grown.

Welcomed back into God's family

I love the story of the prodigal son, the way his father ran towards him with open arms, ready to welcome him back after his years of wasted opportunity. And that’s exactly what God did for me four years ago, just before my 49th birthday - God welcomed me back into his family.

How Reading Liberally helps me to Grow

I’ve never needed much encouragement to read. But for a long time I felt nervous of touching anything that might have a hint of sexuality about it, because doing so might either expose my own struggles with my sexuality or increase the intensity of those feelings. But now I've changed my mind and my practice.

How Music Stirs our Hearts Towards God

From the very first gathering of God’s redeemed people by the Red Sea, until the final, complete gathering of God’s people before His throne, God’s people are characterised as people who sing. Music has a power to lift our spirits, teach us, encourage us, and train our hearts in gratitude to God.

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