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How can I support a Christian who experiences same-sex temptations?

God knits each of us together in a unique and individual way. In a fallen world, this means that a person’s experience of same-sex temptations will be – at least to some degree – unique to them. Inevitably, then, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to supporting people.

Review: "Homosexuality and the Christian" by Mark A Yarhouse

In "Homosexuality and the Christian: A Guide for Parents, Pastors and Friends", Mark Yarhouse gives honest and accurate answers to parents, pastors and friends who have questions about homosexuality. He carefully develops a useful and clear three-tier distinction between "same-sex attraction", "homosexual orientation" and a "gay identity."

Do you want to change your sexual orientation?

A well-meaning Christian friend put this question to me and I confess that it made me quite angry. I was surprised by the strength of my reaction and have spent some time subsequently reflecting both on the question and my response to it. I want to focus on changing my orientation towards God, towards myself and towards others.

Can Christians agree to disagree on the issue of same-sex practice?

The Bible allows for disagreements on minor issues. There are, however, other truths which are non-negotiable - these are sometimes called 'gospel issues', i.e. significant matters upon which Christians can't simply agree to disagree because they impact our understanding of the gospel and, therefore, our salvation. The question is, into which category does same-sex practice fall?

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