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Articles that advise on how best to support and care for friends/family/church members etc

Review: Covenant Eyes Screen Accountability

Covenant Eyes is a popular provider of internet accountability software. It has recently launched its new Screen Accountability software, where Artificial Intelligence is used to detect pornographic images. I have used Covenant Eyes for several years, so when they launched this change I was interested to see how it worked.

Finding Family in Others' Families

In an increasingly busy and individualistic world, and in a church culture which seems to promote nuclear family relationships over singleness, it can be challenging to build meaningful friendships within the church, especially for a childless person to build relationships with nuclear families. And yet Jesus calls for radical community centred around Himself and the gospel.

The Purpose of Dialogue

In this interview, Stefan and Stuart explore how to have a fruitful dialogue with those you disagree with theologically. You could present the most fantastic case for belief in Christ but do so in a way that isn’t helpful. Rather, you are seeking to win people to Christ, not just winning a point in a conversation.

Church Silence on Sexuality is Unhelpful

Despite the clear call to speak God’s message, the Church has always faced the pressure to keep quiet, especially when it comes to articulating areas of the Christian message that are more counter-cultural than others. For the modern Church in the West, the pressure to not talk about God’s perspective on same-sex relationships has grown.

Review: "Unwanted" by Jay Stringer

Written by American mental-health counsellor and ordained minister Jay Stringer. The book explores the processes of how we begin to “understand our lust”, seeing our present-day sexual fantasies and behaviours as road maps that can help us to understand our unresolved experiences from the past.

Porn, Pleasure and Purity: The Perspective of a Woman

Pornography, masturbation, sexual fantasy, lustful thoughts... They’re just men’s issues, aren’t they? The ways in which women struggle may often be subtly different to our male counterparts, but the fundamental issues of our sinful hearts seeking fulfilment in the wrong places are just the same.

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