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Articles that advise on how best to support and care for friends/family/church members etc

My Church Support Group

My church has its own same-sex attraction support group. Our group meets three to four times a year. As I reflect on what it means to share life together, I am struck by how important this support group has been for my own growth as a Christian and for sharing life with others.

Sharing a House with a Friend

Same-sex attracted Christians who are committed to celibacy often live alone, and this can be lonely. Some really want to find a way to share life with others. This article looks at the principles and practicalities of sharing life with other people at a deeper level than the typical church/work relationships.

Should I Leave my Church?

The church is key to the Christian life. However, sometimes we find ourselves in a position to consider leaving a church for reasons other than relocation. This is a decision which should never be taken lightly since as family in Christ we are called to live in a close community.

Going on Holiday as a Single Person

At first glance, the Bible seems to say very little about going on holiday. But the word ‘holiday’ comes from the joining of two words: “holy” and “day”. It is a day (or days) set aside from the regular day to day work or labour. Of course, this dates right back to the seventh day of creation in Genesis.

Church Family are my Brothers and Sisters

How should we react to the description of Christians in Scripture as brothers and sisters? Three broad truths in the Bible are explored in this article – God is our Father; Adoption is by grace; Christians are family. In light of these truths, Rob encourages us to grow in our love towards our sacred siblings.

Growing as a son of God

I grew up in a family that sometimes attended the village church, although sometimes only at Christmas and Easter. At the age of 8, I started boarding at all-boys schools. I remember, aged 12, anxiously saying to myself, “There’s something wrong with me. I’m made to love boys, not girls.”

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