Support for Christians with Same-Sex Attractions
True Freedom Trust is a Christian ministry that offers pastoral support and biblical teaching on same-sex attractions
What TFT Offers
What TFT Offers
What People Are Saying
As a parent of a son with same-sex attraction, TFT support has been lifesaving. It has helped understand same-sex issues more and is being valuable for us helping our son.
When many people, including Christians, are confused about sexuality, TFT's ministry to those who experience same-sex attraction, and to the wider church, is vital.
Andrew Raynes
Vicar, Christ Church Blackburn
TFT sent two excellent speakers to help us as a church thing biblically about issues of human sexuality. The evening was superbly run and has led to us, as a church, talking lovingly about how we can be a welcoming, loving church as we hold dearly to God's blueprint for relationships.
Martin Davy
Rector, Holy Trinity Theale
As a same-sex attracted Christian I have benefited from the witness and teaching of TFT, and the time I have spent at TFT conferences with like-minded people has been a huge source of joy, fun and inspiration. They provide much-needed love, support and care from within a biblical framework in a world which often does not understand the counter-cultural way that Jesus calls us to live.
Sean Doherty
Principal, Trinity College
The speaker from TFT gave a gracious and biblical presentation of the issues. I am sure everyone attending will go away with renewed confidence in God's love, the Bible's message and a desire to serve the Lord in their community.
Adam Laughton
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