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Articles that focus on issues affecting single people

God's strength in my weaknesses

Hannah tells us how God has used her experience of same-sex attraction to bring her closer to Him and the body of believers

Radical Relationships

Our society puts much weight on our ‘relationship status’. This article explores what the Bible says about having radical relationships, whether we are single or married.

Betrothed to Christ

As I was preparing it, I just sensed the Lord saying, “betrothed not married - betrothed". This interview with Jeanette explores the idea of being betrothed to Christ, particularly looking at the ancient Jewish betrothal process. Jeanette draws out the parallels with the situation of all Christians, as they await being fully united with Christ in the life to come.

Review: "No Longer Strangers" by Greg Coles

This book explores what it means for us to belong; where we belong, to whom we belong and to what we belong. Overall, the book explores the theme of belonging in a really warm and engaging way; it’s very easy to read but is full of meaningful help.

Review: "Purposeful Sexuality" By Ed Shaw

“What is the purpose of our sexuality?” That is the question that this short book wrestles with. Ed Shaw takes us deeper than the “human flourishing” arguments that only focus on our happiness in this life – he also helps us to mature beyond the simple youth-group questions (e.g. “Whom can I have sex with?”) to the deeper and ultimately more helpful question of “What is sexuality for?”

God never gave up on Me

To tell you my story, I should really go back to the 1970s. I grew up in rural East Anglia. My family were Quakers and so, from my birth, they took me along to the local Friends Meeting House. The one thing I most remember was being interminably bored!

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