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Where's the harm in a committed same-sex relationship?

It is tempting to see a loving, committed same-sex partnership as a godly relationship. However, the Bible is clear that a marriage is only the union of one man and one woman. The Bible lists no exceptions to this model regardless of the depth of the love, the quality of the relationship or the level of commitment.

Accountability (Brent's experience)

After I confessed my struggle with same-sex desires to a couple of my friends, I acknowledged that I could not fight this battle alone. If I was going to be victorious, I needed someone to come alongside me and help me. My two friends were very loving and gracious as I unburdened myself to them.

Sanity Restored

What’s the secret to winning the battle against same-sex temptations? One of the key things I’ve learnt is to keep this struggle in perspective. Not to let it become the main thing, even though it will often press in and demand to be the main thing. So how can we do that?

Contentment in God

Enjoying God and experiencing satisfaction in Christ are exciting elements of the Christian life. In addition to enjoyment and satisfaction though, Paul makes this assertion in 1 Timothy 6:6: “But godliness with contentment is great gain”. It is easy to panic and find ourselves without any peace of mind. How can we possibly be content?

Enjoying Intimate Friendship with God

Do you like God? The most important commandment, says Jesus, is to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength’ (Mark 12:30). Surely, I just have to get on with the business of loving him, don’t I?

Staying celibate in a sexualised society

When asked to write this article I was forced to the realisation that I am a 30-year-old male choosing celibacy. That is probably relatively unusual. The teacher in me couldn’t resist loosely dividing this into three areas: what does it mean to be celibate, what can help us achieve that goal and why bother?

Are Same-Sex Attractions Sinful?

One of the most frequently asked questions when I speak at churches and conferences on the subject of same-sex temptations is this: “Is it sinful for someone simply to be attracted to a person of the same-sex?” This article is written in part to provide a comprehensive and thought-through response.

Review: "The Plausibility Problem" by Ed Shaw

This is a brilliant book, which is well worth reading by all modern Christians. It addresses all sorts of issues more generally covered by the question, "How can I possibly do what God is asking of me?" in contexts where you can always find somebody who will tell you that, "God isn't really asking that of you."

Introduction to TFT

This video introduces our ministry through the experiences of four of our members: Anne, Caz, Chris and Robert. We filmed this video in October 2016, and it was the culmination of a period of fundraising and looking for volunteers to feature in it.