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Radical Inclusion (Anne's story)

I’ve always been pretty open about my struggles with sexuality, so I was up front from the start when I arrived at my church 9 years ago. In those days, there were only a few of us and we met in the minister’s house, so it was very easy to get to know people and build positive relationships.

Self-Control is Not an Impossible Goal

Many Christians have been deceived and sold a lie. The lie that it is simply not possible to control our bodies. Like all lies, it originates from the father of lies, Satan himself. Tragically, a lot of believers have all but given up on even trying to control themselves. Not least when it comes to sexual sin.

Why I reject the Side A & Side B Terminology

I’ve never liked the idea that you can divide Christians into Side A and Side B. What is, however, more disconcerting is that more and more orthodox Christians, who hold to the Scriptures teaching on sexual morality, seem to be buying into this use of language. Well then, what’s the harm?

Are there benefits to a struggle with same-sex attraction?

The Apostle Paul had a struggle - his “thorn in the flesh” - that God refused to take away (2 Cor 12:7-9). Although this was hard for Paul at the time, in due course he was able to recognise God’s purposes. Paul’s ongoing weaknesses and struggles made it clearer to others that Christ was working through him.

A brief critique of Queer Theology

This article offers a brief critique of the movement known as queer theology, by analysing two of its main distinctive features. The two distinctive features we will analyse are firstly the broadness of queer theology and its unity of purpose and secondly, its aim of blurring boundaries in the areas of sex and gender.

Can sexual orientation be changed?

Is becoming 'straight' a godly goal? For the Christian, exchanging one set of sexual temptations for another set is not really progress towards living a life that gives glory to God. Rather, God calls every Christian to behave within the sexual boundaries set out in the Bible. And God does not promise to take away our struggles.

Won’t a celibate life make me miserable?

Jesus came to give us life in all its fullness (John 10:10). So, obeying his will on sex and relationships should not lead to a miserable life. When it comes to our views on sex and celibacy, are we being influenced by God’s Word, or by the prevailing view of our culture?

How can I support a Christian who experiences same-sex temptations?

God knits each of us together in a unique and individual way. In a fallen world, this means that a person’s experience of same-sex temptations will be – at least to some degree – unique to them. Inevitably, then, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to supporting people.

Is it ok to masturbate?

The easy answer is that the Bible is silent on this issue, because the word "masturbation" itself doesn't appear. For such a subject, we must be careful of laying down burdensome rules (Col 2:16-23) but, if considering carefully what the Bible teaches in these areas, we see that masturbation is something Christians should avoid.