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Book Reviews

We have selected these books below as being helpful and biblical. Please click on an image for a full review and more details about the book.

"People not pronouns" By Andrew Bunt, explores our responses to people's experience of gender in a careful and pastoral way.

Julian Hardyman’s book “Jesus, Lover of My Soul: Fresh Pathways to Spiritual Passion” deep dives into the idea of Jesus as a Lover, primarily through the Song of Songs. Hardyman takes care to show how “the Song” (as he refers to it) is not just an exploration of human love but also divine love, not just in terms of Jesus’ love for the church, but on an individual and very personal level. 

This book explores what it means for us to belong; where we belong, to whom we belong and to what we belong. Overall, the book explores the theme of belonging in a really warm and engaging way; it’s very easy to read but is full of meaningful help.

This is an ideal book both for Christians to read to learn more about transsexuality, and to give to those who identify as trans, irrespective of what they think about God. This is a book that, despite my high expectations and medical background, did not disappoint me in any way. Its pages flow with humanity, understanding and both biblical and scientific truth.

This book does not feature same-sex attraction, is not a study on disappointment, and it is not a scholarly exposition of scripture. It is a book that advocates listening to God, finding space for peace, and being truthful about holding up our pain in silence to our Saviour.

“What is the purpose of our sexuality?” That is the question that this short book wrestles with. Ed Shaw takes us deeper than the “human flourishing” arguments that only focus on our happiness in this life – he also helps us to mature beyond the simple youth-group questions (e.g. “Whom can I have sex with?”) to the deeper and ultimately more helpful question of “What is sexuality for?”

Both books are readable, very theologically based, full of practical help and of use both to the individual and the pastor. So, choose where you want to start - either with a focus on dealing with temptation, or a focus on becoming self-controlled. And then come back later for the other one!

This is Christopher Yuan’s second book. His first book (“Out of a Far Country”) was a memoir of his own personal journey, whereas here he helps his readers to deal with the challenge of their own sexuality, as well as issues such as anxiety about long-term singleness. In fact, a major topic of the book is marriage and singleness...

Rachel interweaves each chapter with the expounding of different Scriptures, including the relevant subject matter, life stories and experiences. The unexpectedness of each chapter is refreshing to read, and there seems to be something new around each corner.