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How about making disciples?

Jesus didn’t say ‘Go and make friends’, but ‘Go and make disciples’. Both are not mutually exclusive, and both should be part of the lives of those who follow Jesus. Yet it is making disciples that is the more pressing commission given to us by Jesus Christ. As you make disciples, you cannot help but make friends too. Many years ago, I was a volunteer staff member at a Baptist Church in the north-east of England.

Be a wise friend

During my Curate training, the higher-ups thought it would be a good idea to make me (I use that word deliberately) do a placement in a school. To be fair, it was indeed a good idea. The thinking is that it helps Assistant Curates (assistant ministers) understand the inner workings of Church of England schools. When I wasn’t accidentally giving the wrong answers to Key Stage Two maths questions (that was humbling!), I was observing just how easy it was for the children to make friends. No drama. No angst. Friendship was just so natural for them.

God's grace was sufficient for me

TFT: What it was like for you growing up, Malcolm?

Do you need to repent?

Each spring, the TFT staff team sits down to take stock of all that has happened over the last twelve months, and prepare our annual report for the Charity Commission. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on where we’ve seen God moving over the last year, and discern what plans He might have for TFT in the months and years ahead. As I look back and think about the evolving challenges of our speaking ministry, many of our engagements in 2023 saw us being asked the same questions: “Aren’t your same-sex desires sinful? Don’t you need to repent?” How would you answer that first question?

Learning to trust God

As an only child, I grew up in a small village called Livingston, just outside Edinburgh, with my mum and dad. It wasn’t a Christian home or with any Christian family members. Religion or God was never spoken about unless in the form of blasphemy. Family life was very complicated growing up. My dad was an alcoholic, so he wasn't really around much. I remember the many times he would come home drunk and start shouting abuse, setting fire alarms off early in the morning, windows being smashed and the police coming regularly to our door.

Review: "Does the Bible support Same-sex Marriage?” By Preston Sprinkle

Three years ago, I reviewed Preston Sprinkle’s book "Embodied". At that time, I wrote, “Sprinkle has a rare capacity as an author: on the one hand, to manage to be emotionally warm, personable, people-orientated, empathic and real; and on the other, scientifically rigorous, clear and theologically coherent.” 

What I call myself and why

We recognise within TFT that there is a range of opinion on how people describe their sexual feelings and why. In the following three opinion pieces, David, Russ and Christine each explain the language that they prefer, along with their reasoning. At TFT, we don’t have an official “line” on the best vocabulary to use to describe a prevailing pattern of sexual feelings towards those of the same-sex. Whatever terms you choose to adopt, we would encourage you to respect that others will have settled on alternative preferred language for themselves, often for good reasons.

Review "Pride: identity and the worship of self” by Matthew Roberts

"Pride" is a book that was recommended by my Crosslands tutor for helping to clarify both the meaning of ‘concupiscence’ and the current issues surrounding it. I’m studying on their seminary programme, children’s and youth ministry track. When it came time to write my essay on ‘The Image of God’, I realised this book that was sitting on my shelf might be quite helpful! "Pride" is a book all about identity and how this gets distorted. It’s about worship and idolatry, and how we can end up worshipping ourselves (hence the name "Pride") instead of God.

God transforms our desires

Much of the narrative rhythm of the Old Testament seems be along the lines of this: God’s people receive His abundant favour; they promise their allegiance to him; but then each time their basest desires trump their love of God. This pattern recurs at Eden, Babel, the Flood, with the Golden Calf, and even in the lives of their judges and kings.